Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Amelia was born just a day after my birthday. Well, she was "forced out" since we induced her out before my due date due to a few reasons. I always joked that's why she tends to be more fussy and grumpy.

She is really not an easy baby to take care of as compared to her *easy going* sister. Minus the occassional tantrums and her hyperactive nature, Amanda is really much easier to handle. Amelia is the kind who will scream and whine for attention and it really gets on your nerves especially when you are tired and sleep deprived and when there is a mountain of chores waiting to be done.

However, she will give you the sweetest smile first thing in the morning when she opens her eyes That just melt your heart and soothes all the nerves haha!

Her mega watt smile when she sees you!

1 comment:

  1. Small A's smile is contagious! I do feel happy when I see her smile!
