Amanda started going to Childcare on 18th Jan 2010. I guess I was more nervous than her cos I really cannot predict what her reaction will be. Some friends have told me their kids cried for weeks, some even months before they settled down. Furthermore, Amanda will be taking school bus to and from school herself.
Some people give me the "HAR! SO YOUNG" kind of reaction and it made me feel that they are thinking I am super kiasu and putting unnecessary stress on my child. These reactions did make me reconsider again about putting her in childcare. As a mother, I have her best interest in mind and its a debate within myself whether or not to send her to childcare when MIL is around to take care of her. Finally, I decided to be firm about my decision and kept reminding myself to be brace myself for any crying or protest in the intial stage.
Anyway on 18th Jan 2010, once the bus arrived at 8.30am, I just carried her on the bus and off the bus went. No crying, nothing but I guess she was a bit stunned to react. Then I dashed off to the childcare to wait for her. At the childcare, it was a heart breaking scene. A number of kids are crying. (Jan can be a bad month to join a new CC) Some can really cry the house down. I kept thinking, oh gosh what am I supposed to do if Amanda cried like that. Finally at 9 plus, Amanda school bus arrived at the school. She was so cute carrying the big school bag on her small body as the uncle brought her to the front door. She was not crying but gave a big smile when she saw me. Subsequently, she joined in the activities seamlessly and I just left quietly for lunch and rushed home to cook her dinner before going back to the centre at around 5pm to check her out. She was singing happily in class. I did not let her see me though the teacher was aware I was around. I just want to be around to make sure she boarded the right bus on the first day. Little Amanda looked blur when the bus uncle guided her onto the bus.
I was so glad she was doing fine and the next day I went back to work though I send her up the bus. I called the centre and was told she was doing well and she behaved as though she has been there for a long time.
The third day went on well too until...........the fourth day, she started crying when we put her on the bus. From then on, she started making noise every morning. I was told she did look for us in school but the teacher told me she was willing to listen when they explained to her. Initally she vomitted in school too when she has just eaten or drank a lot of water and started crying after that.
I guessed she was fine in school despite the protests in the morning as she came back singing a lot more. Teachers did wrote to me on some days that she had a great time. She was also quite restless and made a fuss in the evenings when she came home on certain days. I guess she was tired and needed time to get used to the routine.
Finally, on 12th February, she stopped the protest in the morning and waved goodbye when she boarded the bus in the morning. I am so happy about that.
Amanda getting ready for school
Amanda is a brave girl!