Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Recently, my two good friends have given birth to their lovely princesses and enter into motherhood. This sort of evoke some thoughts/emotions in me as it seems just like yesterday that we were all young, innocent girls in secondary school, carefree (though got exam stress lah). Time really flies.
Being a mother is harder than I thought. I believe every mother have the same thoughts. Its a lifelong career and no turning back once you embarked on this journey. No doubt it sometimes drains you off totally and sometimes you just want to break free, but the immense happiness and satisfaction when you see your little grows and smiles will make you realise that all the sacrifices are worth it.
As I looked at Amanda, she has grown into a sweet little toddler. When she was borned, I was hoping she would grow up soon as its really tiring looking after a newborn. However, now that she has grown into a toddler, the tireness is still there (got to run after her) BUT I sort of miss the time she was a baby haha. What an irony I thought.
Recently, especially after reflecting upon myself on the times I flared up and screamed at her and the above thoughts , I resolve to enjoy and treasure every minute with her and her Daddy of cos and to keep my cool although THEY are both constantly testing my patience haha and also my time with my family.
Jia You all mummies and may all our darlings grow well and healthy!

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