Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is your name?

One day, I was alone with Amanda in the room. We have a short conversation.

Me: What is your name?

Amanda : Amanda!

Me: What is mummy's name?

Amanda: Wendyy!

Me: What is Papa's name?

Amanda: Porr Weeeeeee!

Amanda: What is Ah Ma's name?

Me : What do you think is Ah Ma's name?

There was a short pause and she sat there thinking before she answered loudly and confidently

"AH MA!"

and I burst into laughter!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Attending 2nd wedding dinner

This is the 2nd wedding dinner Amanda has ever attended. She could basically sit through the whole dinner with some occassional getting up and getting down and she ate all 9 courses! She does not look sick in the picture does she? In fact, she has been puking every meal the day before and hardly ate much that day, hence I was happy that she ate the food at the wedding dinner though I was also afraid she might puke again haha.
I think she actually enjoyed the dinner and event that night!

Tried to take some pics of her but she kept giving me funny faces.

See! Its that monkey face again

PS: Did I mention that the orange poka dot dress is her favourite? She always wants to wear this dress! Maybe it makes her feels like a princess haha

My Cheeky Face

Look at this cheeky girl!

Buay tahan! haha

Seeing Doctor

Amanda has been having frequent flu and cough. It always come and go and it seems to go on forever. GP, TCM and PD, she has seen them all. After the last visit to our regular GP and a PD recommended by a fren, it is sort of concluded that she has sensitive airways plus she is building up her immunity since she has just started CC this year. The PD suggested it might be the other way round for number 2 in the family next time, meaning number 2 will fall sick more when he/she is a baby as there is older sibling around to spread the *virus* and by the time, he/she gets to Amanda's age, he/she will actually fall sick less.

Sigh, so I just have to learn to let it be if its not affecting her too much. Despite the running nose and cough, Amanda is still very active and lively.

Getting ready to visit the PD.Notice the hello kitty hairband? hee hee First time she allowed me to position it at the correct place. Usually, she will insist wearing it at the forehead

Watching cartoon at the clinic

Mummy is more than $200 poorer when we stepped out of the clinic.