Eversince I was pregnant, I have not been doing as much things as before with Amanda. Was guilty that she has been watching more TVs, using iphone etc. I am still trying to read everyday
to her but there were days that I was simply too tired at the end of the day or she simply does not want to do so and I will not force her to do it. However, I am glad that she goes to CC where she spends her day more meaningfully and that we are still attending lapbook class which gives me some guideline on what to do on some weekdays since I usually only have 1 hour or so with her before she goes to bed.
Actually, I have tons of materials at home and I really need to organise and bring them out for us to *play and learn* ---- reminder reminder
A suggested craft from lapbook class :We were asked to make a mouse at home using any materials.
One of the evening, when we are not in mood to read anything, we did the craft.
I took two pieces of useless cardboard paper and ask Amanda to colour them. She chose the colour brown. Then I rolled the paper into a cone and cylinder and stick them together for the mouse's body and head. Amanda pasted two pink circle sticker as the eyes. I helped to cut the semicircle and strips of papers while she pasted them herself with the glue. Lastly, a longer strip of paper for the tail. Our mouse is done! After that, we had fun singing all the ryhmes and songs relating to mouse!
Amanda has been talking lots more and sings everyday. Sometimes she surprises you with the words she uses and also *scares* you by adding "lehs and lahs" in her not really proper sentence. Well, we cannot really blame her since we ourselves also cannot help and blurt out the "lehs and lahs" in our conversation. So another reminder to minimise those singlish in our conversation with her.
There are days she cracks you up with things that she said :
Incident one:
Amanda: I want to share the sweet with daddy, mummy and Amanda.
Daddy: Can you share the sweet with baby next time?
Amanda: No!!
Daddy: Why?
Amanda: Baby has no teeth!!
Incident two:
We were crossing the overhead bridge.
Mummy: Don't hold the railings. Its dirty. Hold my hands.
Amanda: Later I fall down how?
Mummy: ..........................